RevUniversity: Building Culture with Jeremy and Kristin Andrus of Traeger Grills

Jeremy and Kristin Andrus of Traeger

Jeremy and Kristin Andrus took the stage at RevUniversity on September 1, 2022.  As husband and wife, business partners, and parents, they shared their experiences building culture in business and at home. Jeremy is the President and CEO of Traeger Grills and Kristin is a fierce advocate for ending Period Poverty through her #SisterGoods campaign.

This couple divides and conquers together while turning challenges into growth. They are impacting their business and communities while raising 6 children. Read on to learn more about how they create balance in their crazy, busy lives.

Jeremy Andrus and Kristin Andrus take the stage at September’s RevUniversity


Jeremy and Kristin believe that culture is the backbone of any thriving business. Jeremy said, “People won’t give more than their job unless they buy into the culture of the business.” The five cultural values at the heart of Traeger’s culture are:

  1. Done done done. Believe in delivering quality to a customer.
  2. Test kitchen mentality. The best organizations build a team of people who believe in getting better. 
  3. No reservations. We thoughtfully respect a customer in all of our touch points.
  4. Stand in the fire. Good companies are born from risk-taking. Be willing to take smart risks.
  5. Cook together. We want low-ego teams and people who are easy to work with. Rather than dictators for leaders, we want “servant leaders” that will help instead of just control. We want a team of people to show up and elevate others.

Part of creating the wanted culture in a business is hiring. In the beginning of Traeger, Jeremy said he interviewed, “99% of the first 400 people we hired.”

“I view a CEO’s role first and foremost as filtering and protecting culture.”

Jeremy Andrus, Traeger Grills

He demonstrated a long-term focus as he filtered people based on culture and values in order to build a culture that would allow Traeger to succeed in the business environment.

Partners in marriage and in life, Jeremy and Kristin support each other’s individual goals.

Philanthropy and fighting for a cause

Kristin actively fights for the rights of women in her community and around the world. Kristin is a board member for UnDEfeated, an organization that serves underprivileged youth and single mothers in Uganda. She is also an Instagram influencer and uses her platform to raise money for menstrual care products for women and girls all throughout Utah.

“When women use their voices and their resources and their talents and their energy— then we are the change.”

Kristin Andrus, Community Champion

Kristen highlighted the communities that Traeger supports such as Roots High School in West Valley City, Utah, and various other food advocacy groups throughout the state. Traeger believes that food brings people together to make meaningful connections—so what better way to get involved than to help diminish food poverty?

Kristin reminded all in attendance that you do not need to have money in order to make a difference. You can give your time and talents to help lift others around you—whether in a formal setting or simply serving in your own neighborhood. 

Jeremy and Kristin Andrus interview by Bri Ray at RevRoad HQ in Provo, Utah.

Work-life balance

Jeremy and Kristin both talked about work-life balance and the importance of spending enough time in each of the areas. Jeremy explained that he has a time that he leaves the office and is done with work every single day. He said that it “forces me to prioritize my day.”Kristin acknowledges that many women experience internal conflict knowing that they cannot be at home with their children and serving in the community at the same time. There is always a trade-off. She has learned that everyone needs to “create their balance,” and to remember that both things are fulfilling and worthwhile.

We are so grateful for Jeremy and Kristin and their willingness to share their ideas and experiences as business owners and philanthropists making a difference in the lives of countless individuals! 

Video interview link: Jeremy & Kristin Andrus | RevU Featured Founders

End of Blog Post

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