Local outdoor retail shops everywhere are struggling to compete with giant online retail behemoths like Amazon and Backcountry.com. It’s bad for the shops, it’s bad for the industry and it’s particularly bad for the millions of outdoor enthusiasts who rely on their local retailers.
XION.store solves the problem for badass outdoor retailers (and adventurers) everywhere. The comprehensive service helps local outdoor retailers connect with their customers wherever they are, whether that’s online or in-store.
National Kickoff
At its heart, XION.store is an invite-only collective of small outdoor retailers. Small shops can get set up with fully integrated e-commerce and online marketing in minutes. It’s less expensive, easier and more effective than older digital solutions.
Bike, ski, and water sports shops around the country have joined the online retailer collective and are seeing significant increases in both online and in-store sales. Starting this month, XION.store is available for local outdoor retailers nationwide.
“I used to own a running store, and I know the challenges small retailers have in competing online,” said Founder and CEO Dan Fairbanks. “But we need these local shops. We need their expertise and their advocacy. If the little guys band together, we can take on the big players and keep shops open for outdoor enthusiasts everywhere.”
How it Works
With XION.store, local stores get their own web store and URL. Shops can upgrade to data-driven email marketing and a sleek point of sale (POS) system that automatically updates inventory and increases revenues by suggesting upsells during checkout.
Because XION.store is an online marketplace, these local shops and brands also get a national reach. If a cyclist needs a particular part or accessory, for example, and only one shop in the country has it, XION.store helps connect them using both internal search capabilities and pay-per-click ads with Google and Facebook.
Badass shop owners attending Outdoor Retailer 2018 will find the XION booth by looking for the badass XION BMW i8, and can ask for an invitation to the online collective on the spot.
For more information or to schedule an interview, contact XION.store PR specialist Rebecca Palmer at rebecca@xion.store or by texting or calling 801-668-7073.
About XION.store
We are passionate about providing small retailers with the tools they need to successfully compete with big retailers, in-store and online. Our invite-only online collective is an omni-channel software solution that manages all aspects of a shop’s online presence, from A to X. We also provide email marketing to in-store customers with data-driven product suggestions, synced through an intuitive point of sale (POS) app that increases sales and decreases costs.
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